Transitions are points of change in our lives, and in the world of management and leadership they are the periods usually before and after promotion. They are crucial and powerful points in both personal development and in the impact upon the organisation.
Why? Because it is during these periods that talented people are most likely to form their attitudes, conception and basic understanding of the role. For the same reasons we invest strongly in induction training, to set people off on the right path, intelligent investment at these transition periods pays off massively in the long term.
What happens if we do nothing at these transition points? Well, some of our people will flourish, because people are amazing and adaptable. Many, though, will form a picture of their role, and their place within it, based on a whole range of assumptions and largely unconscious responses. They'll look at their current and previous leaders and tend toward replicating them (unconsciously) and they'll fall back on how they've been managed and led in the past. They'll worry about the areas where they expect to be weak, while they adapt to a new relationship with a more senior person.
Sound familiar? That's pretty much we as children learn about the world: we observe, repeat, acquire ways of 'looking at the world' from our parents. It's no different at every stage of life: we are filled with assumptions, untested 'beliefs' and self-doubt and we make many of our decisions based on the paths in our brain that are most well-trodden.
Rather than be a problem, though, this presents us with a wonderful opportunity to help people take a fresh look at themselves and their role, to come to terms with a new world and really maximise their impact, bringing their unique strengths to bear and explore how their behaviour and underlying assumptions might need to change.
Clarion Response Area Manager Talent Programme, 2021-22
Our Management Transitions programmes are designed to help new or aspiring leaders:
Short and punchy online learning sessions no more than 90 mins each; based on the successful high impact delivery models of trainers such as the Mind Gym.
From the outset, the programme explores mental health issues and the relevance of personal wellbeing to a successful role. There is a strong emphasis on creating a safe and supportive space for programme participants.
Group learning sessions are facilitated with a light, group coaching style and participants are trained in the use of action learning techniques to support each other's challenges. Participants are encouraged to bring real life challenges to the table for discussion.
Each participant also receives individual coaching unique to their needs, typically from 6 to 12 sessions. Coaching relationships often continue after the programme.
The right balance between different tools for learning is critical, so exercises and tools are very carefully chosen. We don't want to overdo the technical or theoretical: one well chosen model is all that's needed to stimulate the right discussions: people are bored by excessive theory and there isn't much out there that's very new.
People bring real work challenges to the group sessions and real work & life challenges to the 1-2-1 coaching sessions: our programmes are all about real life, pragmatic changes and the whole person. No wading through irrelevant college assignments!
One of our unique strengths is the ability to make our programmes work equally well in any environment, at any level. We've had particular success with aspiring first-line managers, for example, in trade and construction environments - equally with senior leaders in very large corporations.
Because it's based on how people really learn, and on them as people rather than the agenda of a trainer or a qualification, our Transition Programmes are uniquely enjoyable and positive experiences. Check out our recent programme example below
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