Practical Voodoo is the brainchild of myself, Gary Inman, and represents my passion and values and the beliefs I've formed from more than 25 years of working in the area of leadership, personal growth, organisational performance and wellbeing. I've been a freelance specialist in these areas for all of those years, with 6 years as the MD of a small business consultancy and 7 years working closely with the leadership team of the House of Commons.
This is all a lot less glamorous and a lot more frustrating than it might sound, and so on my own journey I recognised that I got the most satisfaction from helping people, and the wider world, to be happier. As my consultancy work with organisations became increasingly about effecting change at senior levels, I recognised that change at work, as part of life, ,is about change at an individual level.
In short, if people aren't achieving what they want to achieve it is not because they dont have the ability
So Practical Voodoo is very much an expression of my values and beliefs, and its mission is my personal one: to make the world a better place by enabling people and organisations to find their values, identify their goals and unlock their own brilliant potential. - Gary
The Practical Voodoo name represents a belief that the secrets of a happy life and great mental health are available to all of us. The pioneer of this thinking was Eric Berne, who coined the term social psychiatry and gave birth to a set of thinking tools we know as transactional analysis.
Because it's based on real science; because it brings motivation and accountability; because it's a partnership between client and coach...
Because of the coach, 90% of the time. It's too easy to be a mediocre 'coach' and I've had two experiences of highly mediocre ones that made things worse, if anything...
People don't struggle with leadership or people management because it's complicated: they struggle because some aspect/s of their personality is blocking them
I've spoken to more than 2000 people about their experiences of management training. On the whole, it doesn't work.
People may need to try on new glasses to see what's in front of them. My work provides people with alternate views, new glasses and new insights into themselves.
Adjusted for properly in the design, and with a skilled facilitator, this is the new optimum way to engage with people: in short, highly interactive bursts.
Copyright © 2022 Gary Inman - All Rights Reserved.